
Poche cose abbiamo imparato dalla storia all'infuori di questa: che le idee si condensano in un sistema di ortodossia, i poteri in una forma gerarchica e che ciò che può ridare vita al corpo sociale irrigidito è soltanto l'alito della libertà, con la quale intendo quella irrequietezza dello spirito, quell'insofferenza dell'ordine stabilito, quell'aborrimento di ogni conformismo che richiede spregiudicatezza mentale ed energia di carattere.
Io sono convinto che se non avessimo imparato dal marxismo a vedere la storia dal punto di vista degli oppressi, guadagnando una nuova immensa prospettiva sul mondo umano, non ci saremmo salvati. O avremmo cercato riparo nell'isola della nostra interiorità o ci saremmo messi al servizio dei vecchi padroni. Ma tra coloro che si sono salvati, solo alcuni hanno tratto in salvo un piccolo bagaglio dove, prima di buttarsi in mare, avevano deposto, per custodirli, i frutti più sani della tradizione intellettuale europea: l'inquietudine della ricerca, il pungolo del dubbio, la volontà del dialogo, lo spirito critico, la misura nel giudicare, lo scrupolo filologico, il senso della complessità delle cose.
Norberto Bobbio

sabato 24 ottobre 2015



Updated: Israeli General Captured in Iraq Confesses to Israel-Isis Coalition

“There is a strong cooperation between MOSSAD and ISIS top military commanders...Israeli advisors helping the Organization on laying out strategic and military plans, and guiding them in the battlefield”
[ Editor’s note:  Israel’s claim that Shahak is only a Colonel requires us to at least publish this claim of theirs.  It may well be important to Tel Aviv that a colonel was caught rather than a general.  This reminds me of the battle of Stalingrad and Hitler who promoted General Paulus to Field Marshal in the belief that Field Marshals didn’t surrender.  To Netanyahu, it is obviously a belief that generals don’t get caught.
General Shahak was captured by Shiite militia and is still being held in Iraq.  His captors are keeping DESI informed, a European security organization with close ties to VT.  The article below is based on questions we submitted to his captors this morning.  We also inquired as to the conditions under which he is being held... GD ] 
USA Parliament (Intr) Foreign Minister and European Department for Security and Information Secretary General Ambassador Dr Haissam Bou Said exclusively confirms to VT that the Israeli Brigadier Yussi Elon Shahak captured by the Iraqi popular army confessed during the investigation that…
 “There is a strong cooperation between MOSSAD and ISIS top military commanders,” asserting that  “there are Israeli advisors helping the Organization on laying out strategic and military plans, and guiding them in the battlefield.”
The terrorist organization also has military consultants from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Jordan. Saudi Arabia has so far provided ISIS with 30,000 vehicles, while Jordan rendered 4500 vehicles. Qatar and United Arab Emirates delivered funds for covering ISIS overall expenditure.
The planes belonging to the aforesaid countries are still landing in the Mosel airport, carrying military aid and fighters, especially  via the Jordanian borders.
The Parliament and the DESI also confirm the Death of ISIS leader Abu Baker al Baghdadi, who received two bullets: one in the head and the other in the shoulder in a fire exchange. Two of his top aides were killed as well.  It is believed that the CIA and MOSSAD are behind his death as he becomes a wasted commodity.
Furthermore, Eight ISIS top commanders were killed in “Haith” in an Iraqi airstrike after two weeks of surveillance by the Iraqi military service.
The report concluded  that ISIS terrorist group recently arrested  in Moscow came from Syria and Iraq through Ukraine. The  perpetrators were planning to carry out subversive operations in railways and bus stations. The bombers are from Chechen, Caucasus, Iraqi, Syrian and Saudi nationalities.
Ukraine became the hotbed of embracing terrorist activities in complicity with Putin’s arch enemies who want to break up Russia and then absorb it in revenge of his military intervention in Syria.


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